Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Slanting Ficus Bonsai

Well it has been a long time since I have made a post. My life has changed considerably in the past year and I also didn't have easy access to a computer (iPad and phone would not let me load images).

Here is an update on the slanting ficus bonsai that I have posted before. I now have it in a round pot and the plant seems to be growing steadily. I grew it in a larger pot all summer and pruned aggressively so it has a whole new look.

I will try to get a better photo in the future but you can see the trunk line clearly enough in this one (my good camera has also been away from me and this was taken with my phone)

This ficus started out as a mallsai from Meijer. I am a believer in these mass-produced "generic" trees. I believe that many of them have potential to be nice trees. In the future, on this tree, I think I will let the canopy expand to the right a little with a rounded apex. I might even style it with some pine-ness to its structure.

I will be posting more frequently in the future. Let me know if you have any suggestions for the composition of this tree.

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